Monday, August 4, 2008

August 4, 2008

Good afternoon,

We are finally checked in at Hermann Hospital. Haley is in room 1025. Being the weather buff that I am, the 10th floor full of windows is a great place to watch Edouard blow into the area. I am set up with my laptop and working in the Sun Room (playground) with Tiffany and Haley playing. I wouldn't mind doing this more often...if the sun room was at my house. We already miss you guys. Walking through the doors of this hospital stirs up some past emotions and we almost feel like running back out. As I told Michelle while we were sitting in admissions, this hospital is a necessary evil. As much as we hate the bad things that have happened here, God isn't finished performing miracles through it either. Please continue to pray that God will bind the evil thoughts that can so quickly rob us of our joy. We are here for one allow God to reveal his greatness through Haley's recovery. I am a novice blogger so please forgive me if it is not up to typical standards and if anyone has advice please please please...KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! LOL Ouch, Michelle just smacked me in the back of the head. Well, I will go get some aspirin and will post as soon as something develops.

Thank you for your prayers and call us anytime.

Pete, Michelle, Tiffany, and Haley


Heather said...

We are praying for you all. Thanks for doing the blog. You are doing a great job! I love hearing the updates. :)

Mandy said...

Yes...praying for you guys too! I pray that God's glory would be seen in Haley's recovery and that your spirits would be lifted...God bind the evil thoughts that rob them of the joy that is theirs in Christ.
I actually needed to hear that myself today, Pete...thanks!
Thank you for setting up the blog. I guess you don't want everyone constantly calling for updates, huh...I'll call you guys later :-) Thanks again for making me feel so special by telling me guys are so funny!

The Sipko's said...

This is awesome...and you guys are bringing me into blog world too! :)
You guys are going to be great and I have total faith that God has his hands in all of it...but we will keep the chocolate coming to make it a little easier too! ;)
Seriously, thanks in advance for taking the time to keep us updated - we are all praying for you all!

Thiessens said...

We love you guys and are praying for you. "Pete, Michelle, Haley and Tiffany, I will never leave you nor forsake you" - Jesus. May you be reminded of that constantly throughout this week - God is carrying you through it all and his angels are ministering life to dear Haley as we pray for you. You guys are "more than conquerers" and will do more than just make it through this. Love you lots.

dustie said...
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dustie said...

Thanks for keeping us posted Pete! And May God Bless You for your wonderful sense of humor! :)
We are praying God's peace over you and Michelle, and for His hand of protection over Haley. We are also praying that He will comfort Tiffany while you guys are apart.
To God be the Glory for the Great things He hath done!

Rhonda D said...

know each one of you are in our prayers. Lifting Haley up in His hands and that your mind, soul, every thought, would be taken captive, to the Truth of God. Thank you for your authenticity and wit and sharing your heart with us in this blog so that we can share your tears, and your joy. We Love you guys! Rhonda

Catherine said...

We are praying for you - we look forward to seeing great news posted here! We love you guys!